
+353 21 243 8000   map
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Pri­vacy Policy

This state­ment relates to our pri­vacy prac­tices in con­nec­tion with this web site. We are not respon­si­ble for the con­tent or pri­vacy prac­tices of other websites.

Gen­eral statement

We take our respon­si­bil­i­ties under the Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GPDR) (EU) 2016679 seri­ously. Your data is impor­tant to us and where we must retain it, we have a series of mea­sures in place that gov­ern how we treat it, where it is kept, how secure it is and when it is destroyed. It is our inten­tion to review our pol­icy on a reg­u­lar basis to ensure that our sys­tems are adjusted and kept up to date, where appro­pri­ate. If you would like to make any sug­ges­tions or would like to know more about the sys­tems we have in place, please email us directly: info@​marketlane.​ie

Col­lec­tion and use of per­sonal information

We do not col­lect any per­sonal data about you on this web­site, apart from infor­ma­tion which you vol­un­teer (for exam­ple by using our online enquiry form or pur­chas­ing a voucher). Any per­sonal infor­ma­tion which you pro­vide in this way is not made avail­able to any third par­ties, and is used by us only in line with the pur­pose for which you pro­vided it. This web­site does not share any per­sonal infor­ma­tion with third parties.

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Contact info, map and opening hours

Contact us

For enquiries, or to phone in your take-​out order call us on 021 243 8000

To con­tact us by email please use our con­tact form or email [email address — enable javascript to view]


Mon­day – Sat­ur­day 11am – 3:30pm

Mon­day – Sat­ur­day 4pm – late

Closed Sun­days except Bank Holidays.

Keep an eye on our Insta­gram and Face­book for updates.

Map showing the location (Number 8 Pembroke Street) of ORSO Resturant in Cork

Find us at No. 8 Pem­broke Street, just a few steps from the Gen­eral Post Office – the geo­graphic cen­tre of Cork city.

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animated gif Stylised image of the exterior of ORSO restaurant in Cork

Opening hours


Monday – Saturday 11am–3:30pm

Monday – Saturday 4pm–late

Closed Sundays except Bank Holidays.

Keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook for updates.


Map showing the location (Number 8 Pembroke Street) of ORSO Resturant in Cork

Find us at No. 8 Pembroke Street, just a few steps from the General Post Office – the geographic centre of Cork city.

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